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Foreign investors applying for Jordan Citizenship by Investment program

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Foreign investors applying for Jordan Citizenship by Investment program

On February 26th,2018 , the Jordan Investment Commission (JIC) announced that the commission has begun receiving investors applications for citizenship and permanent residency.

Jordan Citizenship by Investment program, Investment Options:

  1. investor provides a deposit of $1 million US Dollars to the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) without interest, for a period of three years, and does not withdraw from it until the end of this period in addition the investor must also buy treasury bonds worth $1 million US Dollars for a period of six years, with interest determined by the Central Bank of Jordan. The investor must have been inside the Kingdom for at least a month before he signs the final recommendation to grant him Jordanian citizenship.
  2. Jordanian citizenship is also granted to an investor when purchasing shares in Jordanian companies for at least $1.5 million, provided that the shares are not disposed of for a period of at least three years.
  3. The investor is granted a temporary Jordanian passport for a period of three years, upon establishing and registering a project or investment in the economic sector, with a total capital of at least $1 million within the borders of Amman. The project or investment must provide 20 job opportunities to Jordanians and not less than $750,000 outside the borders of Amman, provided that 10 real job opportunities are provided to Jordanians. An investor is given a period of four months to complete the employment requirement. Then, the investor will be granted Jordanian citizenship after ensuring compliance with these conditions for a period of three years.

for investments in the capital, it is required that the average share of the investor in the total value of fixed assets and non-current and tangible assets, which can be calculated for the existing project or projects according to certified annual budgets during the last three years, As for investments outside the capital is at least $500,000 and provides ten job opportunities for Jordanians within three years.

The requirements also include granting the investor’s wife, his single, widowed and/or divorced daughters who live under his care, his children who were under 18 years old when submitting the application, and his dependent parents Jordanian citizenship.

In the event that the investment exceeds $3 million, the investor’s male children, who were under 30 years old at the time of the application, and their wives and children are also granted Jordanian citizenship.

In the event that a partner has entered or the company is ceded in favour of one of the branches of the same family of the first degree of kinship, Jordanian citizenship is granted to the new partner or owner, according to the aforementioned applicable conditions.

Jordan Golden visa (Residence Permit) program

investors, or the ordinary person who is not an investor, may be granted residency for a period of five years. The residency comes, regardless of the length of their previous residence in the Kingdom, when purchasing a property with a total value of at least $283,000 US Dollars (JD200,000,) according to the assessment of the Department of Lands and Survey.

Reasons for getting Jordan second citizenship

Citizens of Jordan can take advantage of a range of benefits, including:

Acquiring the passport of a safe and stable country can help secure your family’s future and safeguard your business interests.

A low-rate income taxes and Business tax exemptions.

A secure and stable home for you and your family.

Access to health facilities.

Alternatives for residency and retirement.

Greater freedom to do business.

Access to excellent infrastructure, including excellent flight connections to all of the world’s major hubs.

The certainty of living surrounded by a multicultural, tolerant, and open society functioning under the rule of law and a stable political system.

The ability to attend or have your children attend some of the best educational institutions.

The option to keep one’s family together.

While the Middle East remains a place of much documented tensions, and few countries can be considered completely safe in this troubled era, Jordan is a pocket of relative quiet in a maelstrom of a region.

Going the Extra Mile

We understand that applying for second citizenship can be a complex and overwhelming process. This is why we make the application process as simple for our clients as possible.

If you have a question, you’d like answered on citizenship by investment program please contact us today.

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