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The exemptions for non-operating foreign companies’ regulation

Regulation number (91) for the year 2017 The exemptions for non-operating foreign companies’ regulation Issued pursuant to Article 248, paragraph (i), of the Companies Law No. 22 of 1997 Article (1): This Regulation shall be called (the exemptions for non-operating foreign companies’ regulation for the year 2017) and shall come into force as of the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Article (2): The following words wherever used in this Regulation, shall have the meanings hereunder assigned to them, unless the context otherwise provides: The Law:  The Companies Law. The Minister: Minister of Industry and Trade. The Department:  The Companies Controller Department. The Company:  the non-operating foreign...

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نظام معدل لنظام تصفية الشركات لسنة ٢٠٢٣

نظام رقم ( ) لسنة ٢٠٢٣ نظام معدل لنظام تصفية الشركات    المادة ١- يسمى هذا النظام نظام معدل لنظام تصفية الشركات لسنة ٢٠٢٣) ويعمل به من تاريخ نشره في الجريدة الرسمية المادة ٢- تعدل المادة (۱/۸) من النظام الأصلي بإلغاء عبارة) في صحيفتين يوميتين محليتين من الصحف الاوسع انتشارا) لتصبح (على الموقع الإلكتروني للدائرة) المادة -٣ - تعدل المادة (٦ / ب) من النظام الأصلي بإلغاء عبارة (الذي يوافق عليه المراقب). ...

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نظام إلغاء نظام شركات رأس المال المغامر لسنة ٢٠٢٣

  نظام رقم ( ) لسنة ٢٠٢٣ نظام إلغاء نظام شركات رأس المال المغامر المادة ۱- يسمى هذا النظام (نظام) إلغاء نظام شركات رأس المال المغامر لسنة ٢٠٢٣) ويعمل به من تاريخ ۱۱/۱۱/٢٠٢٣ تاريخ سريان قانون الشركات المعدل رقم (٢٠) لسنة ٢٠٢٣. المادة ٢- يلغى نظام شركات رأس المال المغامر رقم (١٤٣) لسنة ٢٠١٨. ...

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Company Formation in Jordan.

Operating Foreign Company Regional office None operating Foreign company  None profit company   Limited Liability Company Private Share Holding Company Companies operating for limited periods, which are awarded a Government’s or civil tenders in order for them to realize their work in the Kingdom for a limited period. The registration thereof shall cease upon the completion of such contract unless the company obtains new contracts, in which case its registration shall extend to cover the execution of such work. Then its registration shall be cancelled after completion of all its work in the Kingdom and after its rights and obligations are settled A non-operating foreign company...

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Foreign investors applying for Jordan Citizenship by Investment program

On February 26th,2018 , the Jordan Investment Commission (JIC) announced that the commission has begun receiving investors applications for citizenship and permanent residency. Jordan Citizenship by Investment program, Investment Options: investor provides a deposit of $1 million US Dollars to the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) without interest, for a period of three years, and does not withdraw from it until the end of this period in addition the investor must also buy treasury bonds worth $1 million US Dollars for a period of six years, with interest determined by the Central Bank of Jordan. The investor must have been inside the...

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